I’m going to be straight up honest with you. I love food blogs. I love them because they make me hungry and because they have tons of pictures of lovely things. I also love them because, oftentimes, their authors put a lot of sweat and tears into them. I’ve never seen a type of website that connects an owner with their audience so well. I don’t know – perhaps it’s because of food’s popularity and because every single person on earth has such an intimate connection with it. Whatever it is, I like it.

Since I began diving into the realm of food, I’ve browsed through dozens, if not hundreds, of related websites. Some I liked (and still do) and some I didn’t care for all too much. The sites I enjoy reading the most are the ones where the author truly cares. And believe me, I can tell if they care. I think we all can. Those are the blogs, my friends, that I’ll be sharing with you on this page. The best ones.
This page will be rolling, meaning, I’ll be adding to it and updating it when need be. It’ll also most likely include more than 50 great sites. I know there are a lot of good ones out there and even though the Top 50 Food Blogs is a catchy name, I just don’t have the heart to leave a site that I visit every day off the list. Also, there is no particular order to this collection. I add new websites I find to the top and the ones I’ve previously added get pushed down.
With that said, if you know of or operate a quality food blog that you feel should be added to this page, please email it to me. I’ll review it for consideration. Thanks!
Note: If you see your website listed below and there’s no commentary under it, that just means I haven’t gotten to it yet. I truly enjoy giving each and every one of my favorite food blogs the respect it deserves, so it just takes a little time to gather the necessary sentiment. I write about one or two site descriptions per day, so please feel free to check back to see if I’ve updated the page.
Looking for an even better Top 50 Food Blogs list? Check it out here!
How To Feed a Loon
Kris and Wesley caught my eye as I was searching for some Italian recipes on Youtube. They’ve got a really great collection of videos that cover an entire range of topics, including appetizers, holiday dishes, learning how to bake and more. They even have a really cool area that’s called “Lickety Split.” It consists of tasty looking recipe videos that are only a minute or so long. Kris and Wesley have also traveled quite a bit to various locales and discuss their adventures in the “Delicious Destinations” section of their website. I encourage you to stop by this site for a visit – I think you’ll get something out of it.
Jo Cooks
If you’ve been following the culinary world for any length of time, you most likely have come across Jo’s food blog. It’s called “Jo Cooks” and I must say, it’s a treasure. Jo has been blogging about food since 2011 and has built up a huge audience. At the time of this writing, she has almost 20,000 followers on Facebook and over 316,000 on Pinterest. I’d say that’s something to talk about. Jo consistently writes about cooking and baking and adds some beautiful food photography to it all. With a flair for Romanian cuisine (as well as other types), this site is definitely one of my favorites.
Chocolate Covered Katie
This is actually a new site that I’m following. Chocolate Covered Katie was recommended to me by a friend and I’m happy to have discovered it. Since I (like so many others) have a major sweet tooth, it’ll fit nicely into my life. Think about it…Gooey Chocolate Chip Brownie Bars, Avocado Chocolate Mousse and Chocolate Pumpkin Fudge. Yes. But desserts aren’t the only type of food Katie shares with her viewers. She’s also got a nice assortment of savory recipes to learn from and try out as well. With up to 6 million visitors per month, you can bet she’s doing something right.
Hapa Nom Nom
This website has been referred to me by quite a few people. They told me that Kathleen’s food photography is of the highest quality and very inspirational. They also told me that her recipes are similar in many respects to her photography. After hearing this, it didn’t take me very long to visit. And you know what? I agree with everyone. The blog is great. Kathleen brings a perspective to food that’s not often seen. As she describes it, “It’s a new take on fusion…mixing cultures, simplifying traditional techniques, and adding a good dose of healthy.” I’d say that says it all. So, if you think you might enjoy learning from someone who blends cuisines via a variety of ingredients, cooking methods and presentation, this site might be for you.
The Spice Train
If you’re interested in viewing some of the best food photography on the planet, you should visit The Spice Train. I’m not sure what to say here. I think only one word comes to mind – elegant. Really, you have to see this. The founder of this website, Nicole Branan, has had her photos featured on realsimple.com, oprah.com and SELF. I’d say that’s an endorsement of quality if I ever saw one. And I haven’t even gotten to the recipes yet. If learning about how to incorporate specific spices into your recipes and following Nicole on her culinary journey sounds appealing, you should stop on by.
Natasha’s Kitchen
When someone takes their website seriously, I can feel it in my bones. Natasha takes her website seriously. I’ve been hearing about this blog for a good long time from many friends and once I visited it, I discovered why. It’s chock full of stories, tips, helpful hints for fellow bloggers, great photos and let’s not forget – recipes. Personally, I’m not sure what I’d add to this site. It seems to have everything and it’s constructed with simplicity in mind. When I browse the blog, I never have an issue with finding what I’m looking for and when I do, it’s something marvelous.
This is my very own food blog where I focus on the slow progression of my cooking and related activities. Through the years, I’ve learned a lot about food blogging and I decided to share those lessons with the world. I currently have only four categories on this blog: Essentials, where I discuss some of the most popular food blogs on earth, how to handle many of the technical tasks associates with food blogging, and how to make money with a food blog, Learn, where I discuss what to do in the kitchen while cooking, Recipes, where I share all my favorite recipes, and Interviews, where I interview and show off some of the best and brightest food bloggers out there. It’s a good time on my blog, so I really hope you’ll stop by for a visit.
Carlsbad Cravings
Carlsbad Cravings has quickly and easily found its place on my list of favorite food blogs. It actually didn’t take much. Somehow, I stumbled across a recipe that Jen created, I prepared it and the rest is history. I’ve been following this website since early 2016 and every time I receive an email from it, I wonder how in the heck the photos come out so magnificently. It’s the color balance. It’s got to be the color balance. But beyond the photos lies the real wonder – the recipes. From the one I decided to partake in, I can tell you that the rest simply must be just as special. If you haven’t yet, this is one blog you have to see.
Cooktoria is one of those websites that makes you want to start writing an ingredient list for the market. I love Mediterranean cuisine and when I visit Tania’s blog, I become almost obsessed with picking up some fresh mozzarella and eggplant. Her photography is stellar and her recipes are to die for. If pasta, goat cheese, basil, mushrooms and garlic sound good to you, I suggest you add this food blog to your list of favorites.
Salt & Lavender
I’d say Natasha is getting this right. Every time I visit her website, there is a new, fantastic group of food photographs staring me in the face. Her photos are bright and inspiring, which, of course, go hand-in-hand with her recipes. Natasha began writing on Salt & Lavender in the middle of 2015 and launched the site in October of the same year. She focuses not only on great tasting recipes, but, as I said above, share-worthy photography as well as building an intuitive and easy to use site. Her recipes range from quick and easy to main courses to appetizers and all the way to vegetarian dishes. Read Natasha’s interview here.
Baking Mischief
Baking Mischief is a food blog that primarily focuses on sweet and savory recipes, with an emphasis on food storage and how to prepare smaller yielding dishes. The website’s author (Tracy) also writes posts that cover tips and tricks on how to prepare ingredients to achieve better outcomes. Although the blog launched in late 2015 and is fairly new, I’d keep checking on this one. Tracy writes regularly and includes descriptive and great looking photography. Read Tracy’s interview here.
Claudia’s Home Cooking
I really enjoy this website. The founder, Claudia, is a Romanian native who now lives in Houston, Texas. Claudia focuses on Romanian cuisine as well as other ethnic recipes from around the world. She derives much of her satisfaction from making family and friends smile through her cooking and from helping others learn to cook. She’s got some really fabulous recipes on her site and is always there to answer questions. I encourage you to visit. Read Claudia’s interview here.
That Skinny Chick Can Bake
If you’re searching for fabulous inspiration, look no further. Liz Berg is here to help. I interviewed Liz in early 2016 and she shared some of what makes her tick, such as how she uses information and feedback from picky eaters to up her game, why she enjoys cooking and baking so much, what sort of feeling she gets from interacting with fellow food bloggers and more. You can read her interview here. If you’d like, you can visit her website to find all types of interesting recipes. I personally enjoyed the Cream Cheese Chocolate Mousse, Stained Glass Cookies and the Chocolate Raspberry Snack Cake. But hey, that’s just me.
Kate’s Better Bite
If you enjoy health-conscious recipes that hit the spot, this just may be the blog for you. Kate has been blogging since July of 2015 and has consistently added great looking recipes to her website. She lived in Russia for ten years, so there is definitely an Eastern European flair to what she shares. I particularly enjoy this because such dishes take me out of my comfort zone. So, if you’re looking for and are interested in learning more about healthy cuisine that just may bring you to a far away place, visit Kate’s blog. You can also read Kate’s interview here.
SkinnyTaste was created and is authored by Gina Homolka, who lives in Long Island, NY. I believe the original idea was to pair her love of food and her love of photography together. From what I’ve seen, she’s been rather successful in doing so. SkinnyTaste is another one of the “popular” food blogs in that it garners over 3 million unique visitors per month. If you aren’t aware, this is outstanding. Very few make it to this level. Perhaps Gina’s popularity stems from the fact that she gives her readers that they want. She offers not only commentary on nutritious recipes, but discusses portion control and how her recipes relate to Weight Watchers Points. If you’re in this zone, this site is for you.
Sally’s Baking Addiction
I think it’s the dessert and baking blogs that get me the most. Whenever I find one that’s really, really good, my knees get weak. Even though I don’t eat much in the way of sweets, I confess that I absolutely love them. I’m probably not much different than many of you. With that said, I’d like to introduce you to Sally’s Baking Addiction. In her blog, Sally offers a wide variety of recipes. It’s not all desserts you know. She talks about appetizers, breads, drinks, gluten-free, vegan foods and more. There’s a tons of pages and posts to browse, so clear your schedule because you’re going to want to immerse yourself in this one.
Averie Cooks
My first impression of Averie’s blog was – “savory.” It’s look like it contains the parts of a really awesome Thanksgiving dinner. But as I began to browse through more of her pages, I realized that there was much more than that. What I found was not only breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes, but recipes with titles like “Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake Brownies,” “White Chocolate Salted Pumpkin Cookies” and “Baked Chocolate Donuts with Chocolate Ganache and Sprinkles.” Oh, please help me. Unfortunately, once I saw the desserts, I had trouble focusing on anything else. Averie began writing on her blog way back in 2009 and has grown it quite substantially. As I alluded to earlier, she’s got great posts, but not only that, she’s got a lot of them. She writes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, so if you do that math…enough said. She also has released a cookbook and has been acclaimed on some rather large and popular websites. This is one site you definitely don’t want to miss out on.
Half Baked Harvest
For all you food bloggers out there who need to find your inspiration, look no further. I want you to see something. Something you’ve only dreamed of. Click the link above to visit the “Half Baked Harvest” website and then click on “The Barn” link at the top of the page. I gave it a once through and I’m drooling. Look at the woodwork. Look at the floor in the first photo. I’m not sure what I’d be doing with this – probably taking food photographs all day long – anywhere and everywhere. I’d be shooting photos of mac & cheese on the stairs. Man, that’s nice. Okay, back to earth. Half Baked Harvest is a food website that was created by a blogger named Tieghan Gerard at a fairly young age. She was introduced to cooking at 15 years old and her interest has been growing ever since. Now, she cooks for her entire family and shares many of her adventures with us. Personally, I’m thankful for that because she’s got some really great looking recipes on the site that are accentuated by some stunning photography. I wholeheartedly recommend you visit this site.
Fiction-Food Café
Every time I visit this website I sit here and stare at my computer screen. Right after that, my stomach begins to growl. At this very moment, I’m looking at a big chocolate cake that’s calling my name. Life isn’t fair. Fiction-Food Café is a very intelligently written blog that combines the best of, well, fiction and food. If you visit this site, be sure to read through the posts. You’ll quickly find that the website’s author, Diane, cleverly weaves her interests in life together with one another. It’s actually quite remarkable how she does what she does. I’ve never seen anything else like it. Be sure to visit this blog and leave a comment below with your thoughts. I’d love to read them.
Aunt Clara’s Kitchen
Aunt Clara (Clara Gonzalez) is my new hero. It seems as thought she is doing everything right. She’s moved from industrial design and international commerce in the corporate world to freelancing as a food photographer and writer in her personal one. That’s admirable and I’m sure many aspiring photographers and writers out there would love you know exactly how she did it. I can tell you, you’ll have to visit her website to discover her secrets. Look closely at the quality and care that’s given to each post and photograph. If you do, you’ll surely find that nothing sub-par makes it through the gate. In my opinion, this is the force behind success. Patience, excellence and time. Perhaps this, along with Clara’s unique style, has driven the growth she’s experienced since 2001. That’s right – Clara’s website has been alive since 2001. This is one you’ve got to see.
Recipe Tin Eats
Recipe Tin Eats is another food blog that was recommended by a friend. It’s an extremely popular website and I think that’s, in part, because of the philosophy behind it. The blog’s creator and primary contributor, Nagi, believes that great meals can be prepared every day, even when you’re on a budget. To steal a line from her “About” page, “Growing up, budget was tight and even though my mother worked full time, we dined like royalty because she was so creative in the kitchen.” I think that says it all. In my personal life, I’ve experienced something similar. Much of what creates a good dish isn’t what it consists of. It’s more so how something was prepared and the level of skill and creativity that went into it. After all, a carrot is a carrot, but a caramelized carrot is something much more. I encourage you to visit this website. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with how much you will learn from someone who has traveled the globe. She truly has something to offer.
Gimme Some Oven
Ali Ebright is as a diverse person as I’ll ever see. Not only is she the founder and primary contributor of Gimme Some Oven, but she also manages and regularly adds to the “Life” page on her site, where she discusses living every day in Kansas City. She’s got some really informative posts in that section. Add to that a DIY area and I think you’ve got it all. While I can’t be precisely sure when Ali launched her blog, I can tell you that her very first post was written on July 1, 2009. Between then and now, she’s built up an extremely extensive recipe index. And when I say extensive, I mean extensive. There are literally hundreds of recipes in there and I’m willing to bet they are all delicious. As I write this, I’m flipping through them, but I’ll admit, I saved the “Feta Avocado Salsa & Pita Chips” page. That one looks really good. So, if you’re into a wide variety of recipes and are the type of person who enjoys good conversation with others, Ali might be your type of person. By sure to stop on by.
Cookie + Kate
If memory serves, Laura discovered this website last year and prepared a recipe from it. If memory serves again, the recipe was awesome. She’s actually the one who recommended that I place the site on this list. If you take a look at Cookie + Kate, I want you to notice something. Roll over the “All Recipes” link in the top navigation bar and check out how Kate breaks down her recipes by Course, Cuisine, Diet, Everyday, Ingredient and Season. I absolutely love that type of intuitive navigation and certainly appreciate the thought that went behind it. Speaking directly to the recipes, I’d say they’re right up my ally. I see that Kate has a love of kale, just like I do, as is evidenced by her “Kale Pesto Pizza” recipe. She’s got a great site that you may want to place on your list.
Drizzle & Dip
What struck me first about Drizzle & Dip was the elegance of the site. It’s not “in your face.” It allows to to browse it and let’s you enjoy its photography – if that makes any sense. It’s subtle, but it pops. I really like it. This blog was founded by and is operated by Same Linsell – someone who removed themselves from the corporate scene years ago, only to dive head first into styling and photographing food as well as developing creative and interesting recipes. As a matter of fact, Sam has published two recipe books in the past five years. I’d really like you to visit this website. Take a look at the photography, use one of the recipes, get some ideas, become inspired. This is what professional looks like.
Fox and Briar
There’s something about Fox and Briar that puts me at ease. Perhaps it’s how Meghan said she had difficulty writing her own “About Me” page. This means she’s down to earth because, admit it, if you’ve ever run a website, you surly know the weird feeling you get when it comes to writing that page. I certainly do. And looking through her recipes, I think I hit the nail on the head. They’re down to earth too. Anyone who likes spaghetti squash as much as I do has my vote. Fox and Briar is run out of the Seattle area and specializes in healthy recipes. Don’t let that fool you though because there’s also a good dose of cocktails and desserts. Which there rightfully should be. If you’re into well balanced food blogs written by people who know what they’re talking about, you need to visit Meghan’s site today.
Well Plated by Erin
If you’re going to write, you may as well write as if it were you who wrote it. Does that make sense? I’ve been reading “Well Plated by Erin” for quite a while now and I have to tell you something – I really enjoy reading her (Erin’s) posts. It’s almost as if she’s standing right next to me telling me a story. Her writing style is infectious and every time I finish reading something, I look for something else to continue on with. It’s great fun and I like the fact that she shares so much of her personal side with us. It goes back to the “connection” I talked about in the opening of this page. “Well Plated by Erin” is actually a relatively new name. The blog was called something else entirely before the beginning of 2015. Personally, I like the way things are now because it’s descriptive of what Erin offers – very well put together dishes and meals. Erin offers many types of recipes on her blog, from appetizers to breads to vegan and to my favorite, food that’s St. Patrick’s Day themed. Seriously, I don’t think much can top that. Stop by Erin’s website today and get to know who’s putting together some pretty fabulous recipes and be sure to enjoy the writing as much as I do.
Pinch of Yum
Pinch of Yum is a bright food blog. It’s light, it’s airy and the photos are just as remarkable as the recipes. To understand what I’m telling you here, think avocado, tomato, zucchini, Kalamata olives, feta – things like that. What Lindsay offers on her website are things that I really, really want. I love food like this. If you think “Mediterranean Quinoa Bowls with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce” and “Burst Tomato and Zucchini Spaghetti with Avocado Sauce” sounds appetizing, I think we’re on the same page. Pinch of Yum has been around for a fairly long time with the first post (as far as I can tell) being written on July 22, 2010. Lindsay made the jump to becoming a full time blogger in 2014 and for that, I’d like to congratulate her. It isn’t easy to translate what you’ve got in your mind to something that so many people enjoy every day. Lindsay’s been doing an outstanding job and I, for one, will be a regular visitor at her site.
The Chunky Chef
When I visit a food blog, one of the aspects I enjoy finding is an author who is determined to take life by the horns and to run with it. This is exactly what I found with “The Chunky Chef.” Before moving in with her husband, Amanda had little interest in cooking. Today, she’s running an extremely popular food blog that brings us delectable looking recipes such as “Vanilla Chai Cheesecake Bars,” “Butternut Squash, Gruyere & White Cheddar Mac & Cheese” and “Crispy Fried Ravioli.” Is it me, or is that the coolest transformation ever? I absolutely love seeing things like this. And let me tell you, Amanda isn’t just bringing us regularly posted recipes, she’s also bringing us some really top-notch photography. It’s magazine worthy. I mean that. I was just flipping through one of my favorite culinary magazines and I’m telling you, Amanda’s photos are right there. I highly suggest you visit this website. You’ll be happy you did.
Tori Avey
When I first entered the food scene, Tori’s was one of the first blogs I found. I believe I was searching for a specific technique. I have to tell you, she didn’t fail me. Tori has a really nice “How To” section on her site that covers many of the basic (and not so basic) questions aspiring chefs and home cooks need answers to. Not only that, Tori writes some very appetizing recipes and shares information about gardening, arts & crafts, home decor and more. It’s really a one-stop-shop kind of site. Getting back to the recipes for a moment, I’ll share some of my favorites with you. They are “Garlic Knots,” “Vegan Panko Fried Mushrooms” and “Strawberry Chiffon Pie.” Now I’m getting hungry. Go ahead and take a look at Tori’s site. It’s mature and offers some very helpful information for beginners and advanced home cooks alike.
Baker By Nature
Baker by Nature is another success story in regards to humble beginnings with food blogging. To borrow a line from Ashley’s “About” page – “I founded Baker by Nature in 2010 with nothing more than a point-and-shoot camera, an idea, and a ton of ambition.” From what I’m finding, this seems to be a common theme. And an extremely admirable one. The distance covered by an author such as Ashley since 2010 is striking. While Baker by Nature does focus a lot on desserts, there are some recipes that cover breakfast, lunch and dinner as well. I’ll tell you though, I think I hung around the “Oreo Peppermint Mocha Brownies,” “Nutella Stuffed Chocolate Cupcakes with Raspberry Frosting” and “Banana Bread Breakfast Cookies” recipes a bit too long. I recommend you visit Ashley to learn about and to try out some new and great looking meal and dessert recipes today.
Nutmeg Nanny
Nutmeg Nanny is a really cool food blog. It’s author, Brandy, is quite active and consistent with posting recipes at about one per week. She focuses on not only appetizing, but fun dishes as well. Some examples of Brandy’s recipes include “Baked Apple Butter Ham and Cheese Sandwiches,” “Baked Southwestern Chicken Egg Rolls” and “20 Minute Healthier Orange Chicken.” With tons of social media shares for almost every single recipe, I’d say the proof of her success is right there on the page to see. Stop by Brandy’s blog to review some great looking recipes and some equally as great looking photography.
Love From the Oven
If you want to be instantly put in a good mood, I highly suggest you stop by and visit “Love From the Oven.” This is a cheerful website that will undoubtedly put a smile on your face. The site is run by Christi Johnstone and has been alive since, as far as I can see, 2012. What this means is that it’s established. Christi’s primary focus on the blog is to bring us some downright beautiful looking desserts. From cookies to ice cream to brownies – I’m telling you, they all look good. Christi has a knack with the camera and has artfully and skillfully incorporated a vibrant scene throughout her entire site. So, if you’d like to enjoy a different spin on how you can prepare and present your favorite dessert, Christi’s blog just might be the place for you.
Taste & Tell
Taste & Tell is a really fun food blog owned and operated by Deborah Harroun. Deborah launched the blog way back in 2007, which officially puts this site in the elite group of “mature” blogs. For anything to last this long online, you know it must be good. I can guarantee you that Deborah is giving her audience what they want. Taste & Tell contains all types of recipes. It’s actually one of the most diverse sites I’ve seen. Deborah does a great job breaking them down on her “Recipes” page too. For example, under “Main Dishes,” there are a few subcategories, such as seafood, sandwiches, pasta, meat-free and so forth. Examples of recipes include “Roasted Vegetable Pizza with Ranch,” “Mini Hot Brown Sliders” and “Baja Fish Tacos.” Of course, I had to browse the “Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream” under desserts, but that’s just me. Overall, I really enjoy Taste & Tell and I think you will too.
Naturally Ella
There are so many great blogs out there and Naturally Ella definitely is one of them. Erin, the site founder, has been running this blog since 2007 and it shows. As of this writing, she’s got over 740 recipes online. I’d say that’s quite the feat. The website is extremely user friendly. Recipes are broken down in multiple ways – by category, season, bulk bins and special diet. There really is something for everyone. I personally enjoy browsing the recipes by season because it keeps me realistic in my goals for what I’d like to prepare. It also somehow connects me with the world around me. Erin does an excellent job of explaining why each ingredient fits where she decided to categorize it and how it works well with others. Simply by browsing this website, you’re bound to learn something.
The Foodie Affair
Sandra Shaffer of “The Foodie Affair” sounds just like me. She’s not a writer, photographer or chef (that’s the just like me part), but she certainly seems like she’s doing well at getting the job done. The Foodie Affair is an extraordinarily popular website that features a diverse range of recipes that are broken down and organized extremely intuitively. For instance, Sandra has recipe categories for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, vegetables, pasta, sauces, potluck and so many more. If you can’t find it here, you might not be able to find it anywhere. Some titles of her more recent recipes include “Pull Apart Pizza Bread,” “Baked Artichoke Balls” and “Chunky Avocado Dip.” Yeah, I can deal with that. She’s also got a “Top Recipes of 2015,” so if you’re interested in which recipes rose above the rest (the really good ones), you better stop by to take a look at Sandra’s blog.
Green Kitchen Stories
Green Kitchen Stories describes itself as a “healthy vegetarian recipe blog.” I dig that. We need more blogs like this. The website also focuses on natural ingredients, whole grains, good fats, fruit and vegetables. David and Luise are the team behind this one. After reading through the blog a bit, I can tell you that I really enjoy the back and forth between both of these authors. They describe a lot of what goes on behind the scenes and it’s not very difficult to get to know them. I find that refreshing. Also, the photography on this website is fairly unique. I’m drawn in and find myself looking at what’s not in the photo just as much as I look at what’s in it. I encourage you to stop by the site to see what I’m talking about. It’s interesting. Overall, this is a great website that effectively does what the owners say it’s going to do. It brings us vegetarian recipes that are well crafted and very appetizing.
My Baking Addiction
I love it when I read that a food blogger is a middle school teacher by day and a writer, photographer and baker by night and weekend. Sometimes, I wonder how they do it. And I continue to wonder because as of this moment in time, the owner of “My Baking Addiction” has garnered over 20,300 followers on Twitter, over 2,379,919 likes on Facebook and over 72,800 followers on Pinterest. Consider my socks officially knocked off. Now, to get this type of attention, Jamie has to be doing something right. To find out what, I did a little digging. I looked at her photography. It’s awesome. I looked at her recipes. They’re insanely delicious looking. I looked at her writing. It’s honest, thorough and extensive. She tells a story and describes and explains why she put forth the recipe and what you’ll get out of it. I’d say she’s doing everything right. You have to see this blog. Visit today to take a glace at what I’m talking about. It’s exciting.
Warm Vanilla Sugar
I really like “Warm Vanilla Sugar.” It’s got a classical blog type of a feel, but it’s, obviously, heavily influenced by food. The author, Katrina, writes a lot about happenings in her life and shares a good amount of what goes on behind the scenes. I enjoy the way she weaves her everyday events into what she’s eaten, plans to eat or has prepared for the site. It’s very down to earth and extremely easy to relate to. Katrina launched her blog in 2010 as a way for her to document her “cooking experiments.” I’m sure she’s still experimenting, but I’m also sure she’s got a pretty good handle on things by now. From what I’ve seen, her recipes look fabulous – her photos are evidence of that. Warm Vanilla Sugar has a nice recipe index that’s chock full of goodies, such as “Caramel Swirl Brownies,” “Chocolate Dipped Cinnamon Marshmallows and Perfect Hot Chocolate” and “Broccoli Salad with Honey Toasted Nuts.” Regarding her recipes, I’d say there’s a healthy range and a good depth. She covers a lot, so stop by to see what’s new.
Kitchen Konfidence
This is one of the cleanest blogs I’ve seen in a good long time. The words “vibrant,” “colorful” and “energizing” don’t even begin to describe it. When I visited the homepage, I was greeted by an extraordinarily well taken photo of two mint and green tea smoothies. What struck me the most was the clarity and freshness of their ingredients. Below that were photos of an “Arugula Salad with Hummus, Oranges & Roasted Beets” and “Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Honey, Smoked Paprika & Lime Yogurt.” Again, those photos looked excellent as well. If I ever get a chance to converse with this site’s owner, Brandon, I’m going to ask him how he comes up with such great ideas for recipes. They obviously take a good amount of creativity to devise. Brandon created Kitchen Konfidence in 2010 as a way to bring both his love of cooking and his love of photography together. Honestly, it looks like he’s been very successful because the pairing of the two is quite complementary. The site looks great. If you’re looking to follow a site that’s written by someone with a real passion for food, I suggest you take a look at this one.
Cooking Kept Me Sane
If there’s one thing I love, it’s a good story. And a story is what I read when I visited Chef Jackie’s “About” page. One word covers it – resilience. At the age of 43, Jackie began learning about food and all its intricacies by enrolling in culinary school. After becoming a professional chef, she continued on by specializing in baking and pastry arts. With a world of knowledge accumulated and after working in several 4 and 5 star restaurants, she decided the time was right to start cooking, writing and sharing. Now, I don’t know about you, but that’s what I like to read. Jackie had an idea, she thought about what she needed to achieve it and now she’s fully involved with it. Good stuff. Jackie’s website focuses on a variety of dishes as well as skills every aspiring chef might need on the job. She also has a video section where she explains how to cook various recipes. She thorough, entertaining and quite engaging. If you want to learn more about Jackie and her methods in the kitchen, I encourage you to visit her website.
The Garden Grazer
If you are, or have ever considered becoming, a vegetarian, I highly suggest you visit “The Garden Grazer.” This is a food blog dedicated to delighting those who appreciate vegetables in their diets. I just read through Kaitlin, the site owner’s, “About” page as well as some recipe posts and I have to say, what she’s prepared and photographed looks absolutely awesome. Let’s take “Asian Spaghetti with Mushrooms, Snow Peas & Garlic” for instance. Can you say tasty? Or what if we look at “Black Bean Mushroom Burgers” for a moment or two. I’ve actually used this recipe from this very website and was quite pleased with the result. Kaitlin has a knack for honing in on what some of the problem areas are with vegetarian cooking and introduces workable solutions. And in all honesty, I’ve been eating vegetarian meals for over 12 years and am blown away with the progress that’s been made. It’s folks like Kaitlin who have delved into the flavor profiles of many vegetable dishes and who have emerged with some outstanding ideas and recipes. This is one you have to see.
The First Mess
To truly understand, respect and enjoy food, you need to first learn what it is and how it works. It’s much like anything else. You can either stumble through life blindly or you can dig in deep to appreciate the nuances of what you experience. Personally, I can tell you that digging in is much more rewarding. The question is, how do you do it? Well, when it comes to important areas like learning about your diet, it certainly helps if you have someone to teach you. This is where “The First Mess” can help. The site owner and operator, Laura, prides herself on sharing knowledge that concerns natural foods, eating seasonally and how to create wholesome meals. Her blog is chock full of great information. Regarding her recipes, there are many fabulously tasty looking ones, such as “Happy Hour + Peanut Butter Vanilla Green Shake,” “Everyday Eats: Seven Spice Chickpea Stew with Tomato + Coconut” and “Creamy French Lentils with Mushrooms & Kale.” Stop by today to see what else Laura has to offer.
Baking Bites
Baking Bites is one of those food blogs that you need to bookmark right now. It’s a resources beyond resources that can help you learn about and understand what it means to cook and prepare food. Baking Bites is authored by Nicole Weston, an extremely active participant in the culinary community. Nicole’s website has some serious street cred – it’s been featured in top name publications, such as the New York Times, Washington Post, London Times and more. To reach this level, you have to be good. On her blog, Nicole focuses on baking techniques as well as how ingredients work together. Not only that, she offers up a good long list of delicious looking recipes. This isn’t a site to be missed.
Lee Tilghman
Lee Tilghman reminds me of myself. Or I remind myself of her. Either way, I like her website. She tells a story and within that story, she weaves a conversation about food. It’s interesting and captivating. On Lee’s site, she discusses not only the world of culinary adventure, but how to live a life of balance. One where you’re able to harmonize both what you do in the kitchen and out. She discusses lifestlye, yoga, sustainability and even has a huge recipe index. If it’s the food part you’re after, don’t worry, Lee shares recipes such as “Cinnamon Buns,” “Blueberry Spirulina Protein Parfait” and a “Butternut Squash Abundance Bowl.” It’s serious business, so stop by to take a look.
Manu’s Menu
Manu’s food blog is one of my favorites. I follow this site like it’s nobody’s business because of what it has to offer. Manu is an Italian native, who now lives in Australia, and who is married to an Indian. Yes, it’s true, I can study up on both Italian and Indian cuisine – all in one place. By far, Italian and Indian cooking are my favorites. Manu brings a wealth of knowledge to the “table” and has much to share, such as what certain ingredients and spices add to a recipe, how they work together and what they can produce. Her knowledge is extensive and truly worth a visit.
Country Cleaver
I added Country Cleaver to this list because I love the fact that the blog’s author, Megan, thinks about living in the country. I live in the country. This means we have something in common. I also love the way Megan writes. She’s got a flair and truly allows her personality to shine through. I’ve read through many of her posts and I’ll tell you, they are not only entertaining – they’re captivating as well! I sometimes read through them just to see what she’ll say next. I really dig the stories. About her recipes – if you like food that’s titled “Rosemary Sea Salt Sweet Potato Rolls,” then you’ll enjoy this site. There are others similar to that as well. Think “Cinnamon Pear Muffins” and “Slow Cooker Broccoli Cheese Soup.” I mean, really? Does it get any better than this? Just from writing this short paragraph, I’ve already added three new recipes to my list of “To Cook.” Stop by Megan’s blog today to see what she’s up to. You’ll be glad you did.
Orgasmic Chef
The founder of “The Orgasmic Chef” is a doer and I love that. Her name is Maureen and she unapologetically feeds her guests with such great food that they, as she says, “can’t go home because they’re so full they can’t move…” I love that too. It’s refreshing to read about someone who recognizes the quality of their food and tells it like it is. I’ve been following Maureen for a few months now and I can report back that she’s in it for the long haul. As far as I can tell, her first post was written way back on March 27, 2010, which speaks volumes about her commitment. A few examples of her recipes are “Bread Pudding From Banana Bread,” “Fish on Parkyn and Vietnamese Salad” and “Pecan Pie Éclairs.” The range of recipes is actually quite broad. If you’d like to learn the secrets of the “Orgasmic Chef,” you better stop by to take a good look at what she’s been up to.
Chef in Training
“Chef in Training” is an established food blog that’s been alive since March 2, 2010. Nikki, a stay at home mom, decided to add some flair to her days by learning how to cook and bake. I read through the website’s very first post and was struck by its low key nature. Back then, Nikki confessed that she merely intended to store her recipes online and that she was no photographer by any means… What’s remarkable is that in just five short years, Nikki has transformed her initial intentions into quite the thriving and popular blog. Her recipes are second to none and her photography is as close to professional as you’re going to get. It’s inspiring stories like this that give us all hope. If you’re interested in what types of recipes Nikki shares, take a look at this – “Chicken Spinach Mushroom Alfredo Casserole,” “Layered Samoa Brownies” and “Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms.” There’s many more like that, so swing by to see what else she has to share.
A Fork’s Tale
“A Fork’s Tale” is an extremely high quality food blog that brings us all sorts of great looking recipes, from “Salted Caramel and Chocolate Pecan Pie Bars” to “Homemade Chunky Blue Cheese Dressing” to a “Cranberry Apple Casserole.” If that wasn’t enough, the website’s owner, Katie, also shares a recipe for a “Bourbon Slush,” which may just convince you to stop by to see what else she has to share. Katie’s photography is remarkably well captured and is inspiring, to say the least. She integrates a variety of settings into her photos and perspectives into her posts. The website is diversified, in that Katie doesn’t limit herself to blogging about food. She also talks about travel, family and what keeps her motivated to continue cooking, traveling and writing. I encourage you to visit Katie’s website. I think you’ll be rewarded greatly by the visit.
For the Love of Cooking
“For the Love of Cooking” is quite a mature food blog. The first posts were written at the beginning of 2008 and the site has been regularly contributed to since. To make sure the statement I just made is accurate, I scanned through a good majority of the 185 blog pages. Yes, it’s true. At ten posts per page and 185 of them, there are over 1800 posts. In my opinion, this is incredible as far as food blogs go. The site owner, Pam, offers a nice variety of recipes and says that she leans toward healthy and organic when possible. She writes about appetizers, main entrees, desserts and much, much more. So much, in fact, that she’s been featured on just about 40 websites, such as Women’s Health, Foodgawker and Kitchen Daily. I’d say that’s quite the accomplishment. Take some time to visit Pam’s site today. You’ll certainly find something delicious.
Baked by Rachel
“Baked by Rachel” is an established food blog with some extraordinarily good looking recipes. Since 2010, the blog’s founder and primary author, Rachel, has been creating, preparing and sharing recipes such as “Cinnamon Pancake Cupcakes with Maple Cream Cheese Frosting,” “Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars” and “Braided Cheddar Beer Bread.” Obviously, these are just examples. There is so much more on the website. While many of Rachel’s recipes do revolve around baking desserts, she also delves into the world of appetizers and entrees. I personally enjoy some of her pizza variations and many of her sauces. Stop by today to see what you may enjoy.
The Reluctant Gourmet
When I first looked into learning how to cook, “The Reluctant Gourmet” was one of the very first websites I came across. I believe I was searching for some background on basic knife skills or something like that. This website’s tutorial didn’t disappoint. The site’s author, R.G. Jones, takes a different angle on food blogging. Instead of sharing only recipes, he shares experiences with many facets of the culinary world. He gives equipment reviews, talks about cooking fundamentals and about all types of food. He truly explores the industry. You can even read some very thorough and informative interviews with some of the best chefs out there. If you’re new to cooking or even an experienced chef or home cook, you may benefit from browsing through this website. It really is one of the top sites available.
Roxana’s Home Baking
I have to warn you, “Roxana’s Home Baking” is one serious dessert blog. If you decide to visit this website, you may never leave. There, I said it. You’ve been warned. If you enjoy delicious looking desserts though, I highly suggest you stop by. You’ll be greeted by recipe titles such as “White and Red Velvet Cake,” “Coffee Chocolate Cake with Coffee Chocolate Ganache” and “Fruit and Yogurt Breakfast Parfait.” But it doesn’t stop there. The website’s founder and author, Roxana, also shares savory recipes. And they look just as good as the desserts. Her recipes are well thought out and her photography is compelling. I encourage you to add this site to your list of favorites.
Scrummy Lane
I’ve definitely been seeing more and more of “Scrummy Lane” out there on the internet recently. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I like it. From Pinterest to Facebook and everywhere in between, Helen has been doing a great job of giving us what we want in the way of delicious looking recipes. The best part is, many of these recipes are inspired by the Mediterranean. This happens to be my absolute favorite type of cuisine, so of course, I’m a huge fan of this food blog. As far as I can tell, Helen has been blogging since late 2013 and has been impressive ever since. She’s shared recipes with titles like “Christmas Pudding Truffles,” “Greek Fried Olives” and “Freestyle Eggplant Lasagna.” You really need to check out her recipe index. I’m getting hungry just looking at the pictures. If you’re interested in Mediterranean cooking, as well as some other great looking dishes from around the world, I suggest you stop by Helen’s website today.
A Farmgirl’s Dabbles
It’s not difficult to fall in love with “A Farmgirl’s Dabbles.” From the moment I scanned the homepage the very first time I visited, I decided that this website was going to make it on this list as well as in my favorites. And I’ll tell you why. Casseroles. From the get-go, I decided to save “Cheesy Beef and Sweet Potato Taco Casserole,” “Spicy Lasagna Hotdish” and “Chicken Wild Rice Casserole with Gruyere.” I told you it wasn’t difficult. As I scrolled through the pages, I found some really superb looking recipes with incredible photography. I’d say it’s on the level of being professional. From the layout to the care and attention to the content. It’s an impressive blog. If you do decide to take a look, please leave a comment below with your thoughts.
A Spicy Perspective
When I browse through “A Spicy Perspective,” I feel like I’m absorbing some kind of wisdom. Professional wisdom. And I know I’m not far off either because the author of the blog, Sommer Collier, is a professional food writer, recipe developer, food stylist and photographer. Can you get any better than that? I mean, if you’re going to spend your time online, hunting down the good stuff, you better have the ability to recognize it when you see it. Hands down, Sommer’s website is awesome. I’ll tell you why – the photography is bright, crisp and descriptive and the recipes are second to none. Her St. Paddy’s Day inspirations are already on my list. From the “Slow Cooker Apple Butter Yeast Rolls” to the “Irish Dubliner Fondue” and finally to the “Savory Breakfast Scones” – it almost never ends. Whether you’re a food blogger or a food lover, this is one website you’ll have to stop by to see.
My Kitchen Stories
I like Tania. She’s got a lot of heart and I truly appreciate her writing. When I read through “My Kitchen Stories,” I feel like I’m reading something a friend wrote. She writes honestly about how she began her blog and how she’s humbled by the art and science of cooking. It’s refreshing to browse through something with a style such as hers. It makes for an easy connection. Tania loves cooking (has all her life) and it certainly shows in her recipes and photography. I mean, some of what she posts to her website is absolutely stunning. She’s got a recipe and photo of a “Raspberry Meringue Tart” that I feel like reaching through my computer screen and stealing. She also has a recipe for “Soft White Polenta and Three Cheeses” that’s to die for. Finally, her “10 Mug Desserts For Valentine’s Day Singles” offers a nice combination of some excruciatingly tempting after dinner treats. Go on, take a look at Tania’s blog and get back to me with your thoughts. I know you’ll love it.
Patisserie Makes Perfect
I have fun every time I visit “Patisserie Makes Perfect” and I love the story behind the website. This is another case of where perseverance led to an awesome outcome. If you read Angela’s “About” page, you’ll learn how she got started and why she continues to learn, write and share. It’s inspirational, to say the least. Over the past few years, Angela has managed to create quite the collection of seriously great looking desserts. I know how challenging some of her recipes can be and I have to take my hat off to her. Patience and diligence certainly pays off. Let’s take a look at a few titles. How does “Rhubarb & Raspberry Entremet,” “Strawberry Choux Pastries” and “Chocolate & Praline Dacquoise” sound? Yeah, I know. I like them too. If you enjoy delectable looking desserts, you owe it to yourself to stop by Angela’s blog today to learn a few tricks.
The Whole Bite
“The Whole Bite” is another one of those blogs I would classify as being elegant. It has an easy feel to it and invites you to browse through its recipes and photos in more than one way. I can’t put my finger on it, but I do find myself reading through and admiring page after page. Regarding the recipes – they certainly are up there with the best. Let’s see – “Crispy Parmesan Cauliflower Bites with Garlic Ranch Dip,” “Blackberry Banana Muffins” and “Dark Fudge Cake with Salted Graham Buttercream.” You don’t see things like this out there very often. It’s refreshing to find creations such these. The website is run by a blogger named Chelsea, who was born in Wisconsin, moved around a bit and then returned to Wisconsin to stay. She’s connected with her roots and enjoys linking her recipes with the seasons. I can’t complain about that because just by looking at her photos, I want it to be autumn again.
Kalyn’s Kitchen
There probably aren’t many bloggers on the planet who are more qualified to write on or who are devoted to their blogs than Kalyn of “Kalyn’s Kitchen.” If you read through her “About” page, I think you’ll quickly see what I’m talking about. First, this author has been writing and sharing recipes since 2005. That’s fairly difficult to find these days. Second, she lost over 42 pounds by changing her diet. That shows some serious street cred. Finally, she truly cares about what she’s doing. Anyone who blogs for over 120 months shows a love for their craft and this blog is a perfect example of that. Regarding Kalyn’s recipes, they lean towards health conscious. Her recipe index is chock full of a wide variety of goodies. From “Low-Carb Southwest Egg Casserole” to “Low-Carb Cheesy Baked Cauliflower Tots” to “Julia Child’s Eggplant Pizzas” – I’m not sure what more you can ask for. If you’d like to learn from and see what’s going on in the world of an extremely experienced food blogger, this is your chance.
The Brewer & The Baker
There are two things that struck me the moment I set eyes on “The Brewer & The Baker.” First, the really cool name. I had to read through this website’s “About” page to find out what was going on. Shawnda, the blog’s author, is a former bakery brat. Her husband enjoys brewing craft beer. Together, they put together a pretty awesome blog. Which brings me to the second thing that struck me – the lively colors and the to die for recipes and photos. Homemade Ice cream? Taco Tuesdays? Pizza Fridays? What’s not to love about this? Let’s take a look at some recipes to dig further into the site. I’ll tell you about a few that look especially appetizing. The “Spinoccoli Pizza” looks very good. The “Baked Brie with Wine-Candied Figs” looks even better. The “Roasted Cherry Brownie Sundaes” looks the best. Actually, they’re all great. Stop by to check out a “for sure” kickin’ food blog that has taken delicious looking recipes up a notch.
Fashionable Foods
Tasty Ever After
Recipe Girl
The Recipe Critic
Julie’s Eats & Treats
Striped Spatula
What a fabulous list! I love, love, love so many of these bloggers including Jo Cooks, Recipe Tin Eats, Sallys Baking Addiction, just to name a few – and I love the women behind them! Thank you for including Carlsbad Cravings among the list – I truly am honored you follow my blog and have tried some of my food! Thank you and I am excited to discover some new blogs as well!
Thanks for the comment Jen! You are welcome for adding your fabulous site to the page. You’re doing a great job. Keep it up!
Woah Jay! This is such an honour to be included in this, alongside such amazing other talents! Thank you so much for this thoughtful post, I really loved reading it!
Hi Nagi! Thank you so much for commenting. I’ve had a really great time browsing through your website and reading your ideas and thoughts on cooking and the culinary world at large. You’ve got yourself a regular over here.
Hi Jay! Wow, I am beyond flattered to be included on this list of fabulous food blogs! Thank you so much!
My pleasure Meghan. You’ve got a really great site. I enjoy reading through your posts quite a bit. Keep it up!
Hi! Love many of the groups on this list! I have a website and Facebook page for my “Cooking Kept Me Sane” recipes! Would you like to know more about my page?
Hi Jackie, I would love to review your website. I’ll visit you ASAP!
A great list of some amazing blogs.
Hi Julie,
I totally agree. I’m in awe of some of these bloggers. It’s remarkable how they can put together such quality and popular websites.
This is a brilliant list (with so much thought put into it)! I definitely agree with so many of the lovely bloggers you included here and am happy to be able to discover several that I didn’t know about before. xo
Hi Katrina,
Thank you! Yes, it’s remarkable how many great sites there are out there. And they’re run by a group of extremely talented people. I enjoy browsing your site and will be back to see what you’re writing about again and again. Keep up the good work!
Thank you so much for including me as part of such an amazing list of food bloggers!! I am so flattered!!
Hi Katie,
Thank you for the comment! You rock. Your blog looks great. I congratulate you on all your hard work and look forward to what you share with us in the future.
Oh, how lovely to see some of my favourite blogger friends listed on your page! xx
No doubt about it Liz. There’s a lot of talent on this page.
Thanks for the mention; always appreciated!
No problem Kalyn! Keep up the great work.
I simply want to mention I am just beginner to blogging and site-building and honestly enjoyed this blog. I’m likely to bookmark your blog post. You certainly have really good posts. Kudos for sharing with us your webpage.
Thank you for the tonne of inspiration!
I’m very thankful to you for this extremely useful post. Best of luck with your new blog!
I am a late entrant to the world of Blogging. I have a food , life and insipirational blog. Please stop by my blog ‘Ginger-it-Up’.
Website- http://www.gingeritup.com
Facebook Page: http://www.facbook.com/gingeritup
Your site looks great Mani! Good luck with everything.
Jay! This is such an honor to be included in this, alongside such amazing other talents! Thank you so much for this thoughtful post, I really loved reading it!
OMgosh! What an extensive list. Lots of hard work went into this site. Thanks for including me!
With Aloha .. Nancy O Mau
No problem Nancy. I’m glad you liked it!
I’d like to chime in here and mention that Nagi from “RecipeTinEats” only posts people who give 4 and 5-star reviews for her recipes. Very self-glorifying and misleading to the online readers. I’ve made several of her recipes (some were good, some were literally epic failures with very expensive ingredients). I’ve been cooking & baking for 40+ years, so I’m not a newbie in the kitchen. I posted reviews and she posted ONLY the good ones and deleted the ones that were less than “glowing” (4-5 stars).
As a result of this, I refuse to make any more of her recipes or visit her blog as I find this practice dishonest and disrespectful not to mention hugely misleading. She’s obviously trying to build a following but by being deceitful, she’s hurting a lot of people by not being transparent. NO cook (including professional ones) has a 90%+ rate of success no matter how good they are! How can anybody trust someone like this? I’m sure she’s deleted all the negative (or less than brilliant) reviews and comments to make herself look good. Not cool (and it says a lot about her lack of integrity).
People should know this before they visit her blog and make their own decisions regarding her recipes. FYI, the Mango no-bake Cheesecake is horrible. Rubbery texture and flavorless. Brought it to a party and had to throw the whole thing out as nobody liked it. I wrote her TWICE and both times she deleted the comment (or rather, never posted it).
Fwiw, she’s not the only “blogger” who does this – several others do the same. Are people that insecure, greedy and hungry for attention that they can’t handle anything less than profuse praise?
People need to be made aware of these bloggers so that they can tread with caution.
This is such a helpful post – thank you.
Hi Jay — this is a great list of food bloggers. You may also want to check out the Grass Fed Beef Blog by River Watch Beef, a family beef producer.
Thanks again!
– Chris
What a perfect compilation, thanks! We recently started GradFood.com as a site to showcase healthy, affordable recipes from around the world that even busy people (like us grad students) can make time for 🙂
This comprehensive list of top food bloggers offers a diverse range of perspectives on culinary trends, recipes, and food culture worldwide.
I’m especially interested in the blogs that focus on specific cuisines or types of food, such as How To Feed a Loon (seafood), Jo Cooks (vegetarian), Chocolate Covered Katie (desserts), and Hapa Nom Nom (Hawaiian fusion). I’m always looking for new recipes to try, and I’m sure I’ll find some great inspiration on these blogs.
Thanks for sharing this article! I’m definitely going to check out some of the blogs on the list.
This post is incredibly helpful—thank you so much!
This is such a helpful post. Thank you for sharing it!